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Jaume II Award

Jaume II Award

Joan Bennàssar was awarded with the Premi Jaume II de 2013, delivered by the Consell de Mallorca, and gave a passionate speech on behalf of all the awarded.The appointment took place last thursday, 12 of September of 2013, at the Principal Theater of Palma, here you have the chronicle that the Última hora newspaper published

In relation with the further delivery of the Jaume II award, the local newspaper Punt Informatiu interviews the artist in an overview of his life and personal convitions. The article is written in catalan and here we offer it to you.

Source: Consell de Mallorca.

Jaume II Award



Programa Kit Digital, iniciativa del Gobierno de España. Cofinanciado por los Fondos Next Generation EU del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia. Kit Digital

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